Tuesday 31 October 2017

2.1 Homework & Prep - 3 hours (due Tuesday 7th Nov)

Prep: Read 126-127 (1 hour)

  • Complete the 'Now Try this' task on P.126 
  • Which sector does this mostly relate to?
  • What is controversial about the report?
  • What theories may be relevant?
  • Create your own 'Executive Summary' of the 2016 OFCOM report 

Homework: Page 110 to 113 in Text Books

B2 Selecting, editing and deselecting materials

Objective: Update and annotate your portfolios using the research to present your findings in class next week.

For each of the 6 methods your chose:

     Task 1: Individual activity: Learners should analyse the research techniques and methodologies previously used to assess suitability and suggest improvements by:

o    sifting – to remove irrelevant data or information

o    annotating – to pick out content that is relevant to research topic.

Part 1: In your presentations you will discuss and visually present the data or information from your 6 methods that is relevant to the topic by using written annotations and highlighting

Part 2: You will then explain and give visual examples of data you removed due to irrelevance. 

    Task 2:  Individual activity: Learners should analyse the research techniques and methodologies previously used to assess suitability and suggest improvements by:

o    editing – selection and de-selection, redrafting content to ensure it is relevant and covers research focus, selecting material for final catalogue

o    ordering – hierarchy of findings 

o    collating – charts, graphs and visual representation of findings. (Create graphs and visual displays for presentation next week)

Part 1: In your presentations you will discuss and visually present the actual content of your research that needs to be edited, redrafted or refined to ensure it is relevant to the topic and focus of the Report

Part 2: In your presentation you will have ordered your findings from your 6 methods in a hierarchy of importance/relevance to addressing the topic

Part 3: You will then explain and give visual examples of data you have collated both Quantitative and Qualitative 

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