Tuesday 14 November 2017

2.3 Prep work 3 hours

Reading: Learners should prepare for receipt of pre-release materials 2016 OFCOM report by creating mind maps and lists on blog for the following:

Section 1: Outline & Analysis
  1. Outline (describe) the key findings/arguments in a mind map
  2. On the Mind map, spur off from each finding/argument the evidence for this
  3. Create a Venn Diagram and annotate to explain how the conclusions and findings relate to Audience, Technology and Genre
  4. List the debates that are contained within the findings and which theories be applied (audience, technology, genre)
  5. Explain how these conclusiosn have developed since the 2014 report, liking to the initial focus/hypothesis/predictions 
  6. Comparing the findings as a 2 column comparative list

Section 2: Conclusion
  1. Summarise the issues raised through 2016 OFCOM report
  2. Make suggestions for how to conduct primary and secondary research (which methods?)
  3. Explain HOW primary and secondary methodology can be used to support or contradict findings in the report
  4. Discuss how to contextualise (this means factors to do with time and place and factors that influence ie Millenials, technology, consumption patterns and attitude to children's consumption) potential findings for the specific creative media sector being studied

In class next Monday:
Learners should use 2016 OFCOM report to draw informed opinions from research materials produced by others.

Prepare to lead a group discussion on the impact of the issues and debates outlined within the stimulus.

Learners should discuss developments and changes in audience, genre or technology and the current effects of these issues on consumption and production of media.

At least 1 Debate in the media and 1 theory applied relevant to the report

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