Friday 6 October 2017

1.5 Prep & Homework

Task 1. Re-read over the Stimulus Material for the Mock Examination

Task 2. Make notes on the following (700 words) on blog

1. Summarise the key findings in the report
2. Summarise the Methodology used - Primary and Secondary methods.
3. Which different audiences have been considered in the sample?
4. Is the sample broad or representative enough to be valid?
5. Identify which sections of the report are based on Quantitative research
6. Identify which sections of the report are based on Quanitative Research
7. Discuss how or if the Quantitative and Qualitattive are inter-linked
8. Is there any reference to Secindary research or Academic studies in this area?
9. What are the issues with the Primary research that has been conducted?
10. What research needs to be carried out to apply the findings to - or how this will impact to your SECTOR?

Homework 3 hours 
Task 3. (20 mins) Write out a research plan of 2 primary and 4 secondary sources to be undertaken and present in class tutorial

Task 4. (2 hours) Complete your secondary and primary research portfolio - 
1 primary and 2 (good) secondary by next Monday  

Task 5. (10 mins) Reference your secondary sources using the proforma using the correct Harvard referencing system 
Task 6. (20 mins) Check the validity and reliability of your sources using the proforma

Thursday 5 October 2017

Referencing How To and Tools

1.4 Prep & Homework - Research Portfolio Weekly Evaluation

Prep - Due Monday 
1. Make notes on how ALL videos to explore the validity and reliability of Secondary Sources

2. Read and make notes on the guides in the booklets given under 'Secondary research' 

3. Revise over the content for this weeks Lesson's for Quiz on Monday

Homework - Due 12.10.17

This week, you will spend 2 hours reviewing and applying what you have learned in class so far about Research Methods and Techniques and this week where you learned how to look for validity and reliability in secondary research

Task 1:

Write up a 500 word summary on what you have learned this week defining the purposes 

1) Primary Methods

2) Secondary Methods

3) Qualitative 

4) Quantitative 

5) Sample 

6) Open Questions

7) Closed Questions  

Task 2:

Write up a 300 word conclusion discussing the limitations and opportunities of each of your chosen 6 research methods appropriate to the investigation into violence and children

Task 3:

Write up a 500 word summary on what you have learned this week about validity and reliability issues with your sources 

Resources and SOW for Unit 3 and 5

Sow 2018 exam unit 3 from ctkmedia Sow 2018 exam unit 5 from ctkmedia Unit 3 cover booklet 2 exam stuff from ctkmedi...