Wednesday 30 August 2017

FSA Exam Question 2 (Primary & Secondary Findings)

How far does the primary and secondary research you have conducted support the conclusions drawn in the article? (500 words, 15 marks)

Question 2: Understanding the relationship between own research and article
Band 1: 1-4 marks
Band 2: 5-8 marks
Band 3: 9-12
Band 4: 13-15
Basic description of primary or secondary findings
Primary & Secondary research findings described
Explains the research findings & their relationship to the context of the article
Evaluates the research findings & their relationship to the context of the article
Some links made between own research and article (no relationship)
Some links made as to the relationship between research and article
Clear links made  as to the relationship between research and article
Thorough links made  as to the relationship between research and article
Superficial comments about how research supports  conclusions in the article
Relevant comments how research supports article’s conclusions
Explains the article’s conclusions with detailed comment on the extent this is supported by the research
Evaluates the article’s conclusions with justification of the extent this is supported by the research

Section 1: Introduction 
Answer the question - HOW far and WHAT conclusions does your Primary and Secondary support?

Section 2:
a) Explain WHAT are your research findings HOW do they relate or link to the 2014 report?

b) HOW do are they relevant to:
Debates about Technology, Audience and Genre?

c) Evaluate HOW relevant or accurate your findings are in building on the conclusions of the article (sample, research focus, bias, theory?)

WHAT are the strengths of your primary 
WHAT are the strengths of your secondary
WHAT are the limitations of, or bias in your primary
WHAT are the limitations of, or bias in your secondary

Section 3:
WHAT do your findings prove or back up or contradict about the article?
HOW does your Primary and Secondary show links between:
Trends of consumption?
Debates around technology and attitudes?
Impact on Production?

Section 4: 
Explain HOW your primary and secondary research supports article’s conclusions 

Using examples from your primary and secondary research JUDGE the extent each of the conclusions from the article is either supported or contradicted

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