Thursday 31 August 2017

How Do I Critically Analyse My Findings?

What does it mean to critically analyse?

Analysing critically means looking at your findings and asking yourself, 'what do I think about this?', then taking it one step further and asking 'what is making me think that?' Here's an example of how this process might work.
Finding95% of the students you surveyed have problems managing their time at university.
What do you think about this?  I expected it to be less than that.
What makes you think that?Research I read for my literature survey was putting the figure at 60-70%.
What conclusions can you draw from this?There must be reasons why the figures are so different. The sample I surveyed included a large number of mature students, unlike the samples in the previous research. That was because the brief was to look at time management in a particular department which had a high intake of post-experience students.
Final paragraph for Discussion section The percentage of students surveyed who experienced problems with time management was much higher at 95% than the 60% reported in Jones (2006: 33) or the 70% reported in Smith (2007a: 17). This may be due to the large number of mature students recruited to this post-experience course. Taylor (2004: 16-21) has described the additional time commitments reported by students with young families and the impact these may have on effective management of study time. The department clearly recognises this already (as shown by the flexibility of seminar times described earlier). However, it may be that students would benefit from more advice in this area. 

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