Monday 5 March 2018

IMPORTANT - Exam requirements - 2 weeks left

1. Labelled you parent folders as follows: 

14144_your BTEC registration number_Surname_Initial

eg: 14144_RB12356_Barton.R 

2. Set up 3 folders, labelled Activity 1; Activity 2; Activity 3

Create a sub-folder called 'Annotations Evidence' under both Activity 1 and Activity 2

3. Download and save the Word proformas 'Digital Folder Index' and 'Asset Changes' that you have been emailed. 

Place 'Digital Folder Index' under Activity 1

Place 'Asset Changes' under Activity 2

During the exam, these MUST be saved at the end of each written task as a PDF

4. You cannot bring any further Assets either sourced or created into the exam once we begin the supervised exam period on the 19th March

5. You have 3 hours for Activity 1, 17 hours for Activity 2, and 10 hours for Activity 3

6. You will not have access to the internet

You will not be allowed to bring in portable hard-drives during or once the exam has started

Resources and SOW for Unit 3 and 5

Sow 2018 exam unit 3 from ctkmedia Sow 2018 exam unit 5 from ctkmedia Unit 3 cover booklet 2 exam stuff from ctkmedi...