Thursday 7 September 2017

1.2 Homework and Prep - Read Violence Reports and Conduct Own Research

30 mins
Evaluate your presentations.

1. How valid is your sample - is it large enough and specific enough?
2. Have you targeted and investigated the relevant groups - subcultures, Millennials?
3. Does your primary research based on the theories, debates or opinions or results of your secondary research?
4. Were your questions specific or clear enough to explain or breakdown what a Subculture is in order to gather the right information
5. How successfully did you cross reference your findings from your different sources, do they relate to each other and link or are they completely separate
6. How specific or relevant to the hypothesis were your findings you included in your presentation?
7. How well did you analyse the data you collected? Did you find any correlations or cause and effect in your findings?
8. Does your research actually provide solid evidence of your conclusion?

30 mins  
As a Team, read the whole 100 page report you have been allocated and note down 8 significant findings on WhatsApp

20 minutes 
In teams, read over your allocated sections in your report and note down your conclusion in relation to the findings of the article. (1 hour of reading, 20 mins writing)

As a team, comment on:

  • How did they conduct this research/what did they do?
  • Who was the sample involved?
  • What links or connections have been made between the findings and the conclusions?
  • What were some of the standalone quotes and stats?
  • What audience theories can you connect to the articles?

Work through the Homework Task (45 mins) on how to correctly search the internet

1 hour 
Collect Secondary research on a Media and Violence Case Study as part of your PAIR
25 mins
Write up a 250 word summary of your Secondary research methods and post on your blog with references

10 mins 
Use WhatsApp and your blogs to share links to relevant and significant information 

25 mins
Write up a 250 word summary of your proposed methodology for conducting Primary research (what you will do, how you will do it, who you will sample, how many? what your aims will be i.e. to prove/disprove what?)

Post to your Blog for Friday 29th September for assessment 

Monday 4 September 2017

FSA OFCOM Exam Question 1 Understanding research methods and interpreting research data

Question 1: What are the key issues raised in the article and how has qualitative and quantitative research been applied to explore them?

Question 1: Understanding research methods and interpreting research data
Band 1: 1-4 marks
Band 2: 5-8 marks
Band 3: 9-12
Band 4: 13-15
Basic understanding of topic

Understands significance of the topic
Comprehensive understanding of the significance of the topic
Limited connections to media theories and debates
Some relevant connection made to theories and debates
Mostly relevant connections to theories and debates
Detailed and precise connections made to theories and debates
Basic Description of research methods
Understanding of data usage in the research methods used in the article
Analysis of research methods in the article
Evaluation of research methods in the article
Superficial use and consideration of qualitative OR quantitative data 
Unsupported evaluative judgements on suitability of research methods in article
Supported with evaluative judgements on suitability
Fully supported with evaluative judgements on suitability

Qualitative AND quantitative data interpreted showing consideration and applied to response
Qualitative AND quantitative data clearly interpreted showing consideration of the validity and applied to response
Qualitative AND quantitative data fully interpreted showing consideration of the validity, reliability, bias and clearly applied to response

Critical Thinking - Interpreting Findings vs Conclusions of Articles

Resources and SOW for Unit 3 and 5

Sow 2018 exam unit 3 from ctkmedia Sow 2018 exam unit 5 from ctkmedia Unit 3 cover booklet 2 exam stuff from ctkmedi...