Tuesday 19 September 2017

1.3 Prep and Homework Work - Skills Development & Article Critical Review

Prep Task 1:
Complete the document below self assessment sheet and place in your folder

Identify your 5 targets for improvement and further support from 1-5 in order of importance

This will shape your teams in the lessons next week.

Prep Task 2: 
  • Read the article and write a Critical Review of the findings - what conclusions is it drawing and is it correct (in your critical opinion) based on the evidence?
  • Research the 'About Us' section of the organisation of this Article. 
  • Identify their agenda or any political or ideological bias
  • Evaluate how reliable their presentation of the information is


The do the same for the references listed at the bottom of the document.

Homework 1: (2.5 hours)
Make notes using Cornel Method and the links below
Then go out and conduct further secondary research - use the following audience theories as a starting point to follow up

Google Scholar

Research Task and resources:
Audience Theories
As a group, complete in the 1st 2 columns of the grid at the bottom todefine and categorise the audience theories.
The learning materials are here (watch the videos) and the powerpoint below.

You will be tested on the following opinions True or False?

1. The availability of video games has led to an epidemic of youth violence.

2. Scientific evidence links violent game play with youth aggression.

3. Children are NOT the primary market for video games.

4. Girls are put off gaming due to sexist stereotyping.

5. Because games are used to train soldiers to kill, they have the same impact on the kids who play them.

6. Gaming is socially isolating.

7. Gaming does not desensitise gamers, nor cause a lack of empathy for real-world victims

8. Violence has always been and remains a central interest of humankind

Resources and SOW for Unit 3 and 5

Sow 2018 exam unit 3 from ctkmedia Sow 2018 exam unit 5 from ctkmedia Unit 3 cover booklet 2 exam stuff from ctkmedi...