Saturday 2 September 2017

L3 Media Induction

Objective: To understand the vocational purpose of the BTEC L3 Creative Digital Media course, and the importance of meeting industry expectations of building a portfolio

  • To create an Online Portfolio to house your content for progression and work experience 
  • To apply techniques and skills to produce basic Creative Digital Media content 
  • To understand the purpose and layout of an Online Portfolio
Starter: CREATIVE digital media PRODUCTION - what is your reason & purpose for choosing this vocational pathway - do you understand what it opportunities this will lead to?

1. Test: Are you CREATIVE - how successful can you expect to be on this course/have you selected correctly for your future career?

2. What is skills do you need to get a job in the creative industries? 

- In Pairs make a list of 10 associations - present your responses.

- Rank order points 1-10 in the order of importance of these skills (10 = vital, 1 = not so much)

3. In Paris audit yourself and total your points

Give an example of how you have demonstrate these skills in your life - if you cannot you need to PROVE yourself during the Induction activities so you can give an example


Homework: Street Photography

Individually take and select 5 interesting images of Street Photography that demonstrate you are aware of the following CREATIVE tools


Depth of field/focus


Set up a class WhatsApp group. In groups of 3 watch the following instructional videos and make summarise notes. 

Then post the instructions to WhatsApp and share these notes. 

You will demonstrate the results in your Homework.

Share your 5 best Street Photography images on Whatsapp

New Info: What is a Creative Digital Media Portfolio?

1. Examples of university portfolios (ex-student) (mine) (professional)

2. How to prepare your portfolio 

3. Why you will need a portfolio

4. Types - Basic Portfolio for Foundation Degree 

If you are applying for the Foundation Course (Diploma in Digital Creativity) we don't expect you to have experience in the creative technologies. For a Basic Portfolio, we'll be looking for creativity and passion for the creative arts, with more emphasis on creativity than technical execution. 

We suggest you put together 6 - 10 pieces of work that you enjoy doing, using your favourite media:
  • Photography
  • Videos
  • Logos
  • Designs,Concepts and ideas that interest you
Why is it important for you to begin creating your portfolios NOW?
Why is it important for you to show a range of Creative skills and techniques across different media?
What should the content show across your 2 years?
How should your present your work?
Why is it important to create more than just the products required by the units of the course?

Practical Workshop Station 1: Portrait Photography 

Resources - 

Watch through the videos in your teams and make notes, then in groups of 3 demonstrate what you have learned.

Practical Workshop Station 2: Design a Logo for your Portfolio


Watch through the videos in your teams and decide which your think 'says; something about you. Then demonstrate what you have learned.

Practical Workshop Station 3: Construct an Ident for your Portfolio Showreel

Friday 1 September 2017

1.6 A2 and A3 Research Portfolio Pre-exam Assessment

A2 and A3 Application of research methods and techniques

FSA assessment: Timed response to the question 450 words

A1: Understanding research methods and interpreting research data
Band 1: 5-8 marks
Band 2: 9-12 marks
Band 3: 13-15
Band 4: 13-15
Basic understanding of topic

Understands significance of the topic
Comprehensive understanding of the significance of the topic
Limited connections to media theories and debates
Some relevant connection made to theories and debates
Mostly relevant connections to theories and debates
Detailed and precise connections made to theories and debates
Basic Description of research methods
Understanding of data usage in the research methods used in the article
Analysis of research methods in the article
Evaluation of research methods in the article
Superficial use and consideration of qualitative OR quantitative data 
Unsupported evaluative judgements on suitability of research methods in article
Supported with evaluative judgements on suitability
Fully supported with evaluative judgements on suitability

Qualitative AND quantitative data interpreted showing consideration and applied to response
Qualitative AND quantitative data clearly interpreted showing consideration of the validity and applied to response
Qualitative AND quantitative data fully interpreted showing consideration of the validity, reliability, bias and clearly applied to response

TASK 1: In Pairs: Summarise the methods and techniques and show how they can be applied to specialist subject areas.

Using your Research Methodology and your Summary of findings and conclusions from your Homework, answer the following questions (150 word per question)

1. Explain (give reasons, make connections) (M) in detail (D) the points that are significant to BOTH Children's Consumption of Media and Parental Attitudes

2. What debates are presented or raised about Children's Consumption of Media and Parental Attitudes? What additional debates could be relevant to this topic?

3. What links or connections to debates can be made to the topic? Is there any consumption or production theories relevant to the TECHNOLOGY or AUDIENCE you could identify links to?

4. What research has been conducted and what do you notice about the sample, bias, the questioning and the balance between primary and secondary?

5. How much qualitative in relation to quantitative has been carried out? What are some of the strengths and weaknesses of the methods?

6. Overall, how suitable (VALID and RELIABLE) is the research conducted? How could the research methodology be improved?

7. What research will you need to undertake to build upon the conclusions of this study?

8. Which Media Sector will you be examining and How does the findings of this report impact on this?

Task 2: Individual activity: Learners should individually construct appropriate materials such as surveys, questionnaires and research plans in preparation to conduct research into a specified topic within a specialist subject area.

Task 3: Set your Research Question based on the findings (Technology and Audience), and how production and consumption relates to your Sector

Write out your methodology 

1. Design and Conduct your 2 x Primary Research Methods
2. Conduct your 4 Secondary x Research Methods

(1.5) 1.4.2 (Catch up week) Secondary research methods and techniques - advantages and limitations

Starter (Bandura) & Prep Assess:

Objective: Write a series of reports on what you have found out about the following:

1. Differences, Purposes and the Advantages and Limitations of Qualitative vs Quantitative Research

A2 and A3 Secondary research methods and techniques

Tutor presentation:  Discuss secondary research methods along with their advantages and limitations.

TASK 1: Produce a Written Report or PowerPoint (150 words minimum on each)

Paired activity: Learners should investigate the advantages and limitations of:
  1.     online sources
  2.     books
  3.     magazines and journals
  4.     newspapers
  5.     audio products
  6.     audio-visual products


2. Quantitative research methods and techniques

Tutor presentation: Introduce quantitative research methods along with their advantages and limitations.

TASK 2: Produce a Written Report or PowerPoint (150 words minimum on each)

Paired activity: Learners should investigate the advantages and limitations of:
  1.     ratings
  2.     circulation figures
  3.     survey responses and collation (charts and graphs)
  4.     website hits
  5.     online (views, hits)
  6.     social media (votes, likes)

2. Qualitative research methods and techniques

Tutor presentation: Introduce qualitative research methods along with their advantages and limitations.

TASK 3: Produce a Written Report or PowerPoint (150 words minimum on each)

Paired activity: Learners should investigate the advantages and limitations of:
  1.     reviews
  2.     forum debates
  3.     quotes from interviews
  4.     discussion notes

4. Reliability & Validity

Tutor presentation: 
Introduce learners to the issues associated with reliability and validity of research methods and techniques. 

Class activity: 
Learners should work through stimulus materials to identify potential validity and reliability issues. 

Evaluate and share findings write up for research portfolio for exam prep 

Tutor presentation: Introduce primary research methods along with their advantages and limitations. 


  • The information is relevant and up to date.
  • It is specific to the actual scenario and situation.
  • Own direct findings.


  • Can be costly an time consuming, depending on the method and sampling method.
  • Poor questionnaire design or methodology as It may provide bias results.
  • May find it difficult to find enough people to represent the population or market segments accurately and equally.

TASK 4: Produce a Written Report or PowerPoint (150 words minimum on each)

Paired activity: Learners should investigate the advantages and limitations of Primary: 

  1. conducting interviews (in person, online) 
  2. focus groups 
  3. observations 
  4. surveys (online, through social media, in person) questionnaires (online, paper, social media)

1.3 A2 and A3 Critical Thinking Skills - Research methods and techniques - primary, secondary, qualitative and quantitative

FSA 4.1 – Presentations A1 Specialist subject research focus

Question 1: Understanding research methods and interpreting research data
Band 1: 1-4 marks
Band 2: 5-8 marks
Band 3: 9-12
Band 4: 13-15
Basic understanding of topic

Understands significance of the topic
Comprehensive understanding of the significance of the topic
Limited connections to media theories and debates
Some relevant connection made to theories and debates
Mostly relevant connections to theories and debates
Detailed and precise connections made to theories and debates

Question 2: Understanding the relationship between own research and article
Band 1: 1-4 marks
Band 2: 5-8 marks
Band 3: 9-12
Band 4: 13-15
Basic description of primary or secondary findings
Primary & Secondary research findings described
Explains the research findings & their relationship to the context of the article
Evaluates the research findings & their relationship to the context of the article
Some links made between own research and article (no relationship)
Some links made as to the relationship between own research and article
Clear links made  as to the relationship between own  research and article
Thorough links made  as to the relationship between own  research and article

Class presentations: Learners should present their findings from the previous session. Each group should take approximately 15 minutes.

Plenary: Gather peer and tutor feedback to inform future practice.

Critical Thinking Skills feedback:

  • Relevance to address the hypothesis (does it answer the question/prove the statement)
  • Relevance and accuracy of the data (sample, sources, questions)
  • Connections of findings to theories and debates
  • Analysis and Interpretation of your results
  • Presentation of your results
  • Conclusions drawn from your results

Create Meaning
Conduct a Skills Audit from the list below. How effective are your critical thinking and research skills form this process

What improvements need to be made, where are your strengths and weaknesses?

Resources and SOW for Unit 3 and 5

Sow 2018 exam unit 3 from ctkmedia Sow 2018 exam unit 5 from ctkmedia Unit 3 cover booklet 2 exam stuff from ctkmedi...