Wednesday 30 August 2017

1.1 Case Study 1 - Mini Investigation Millenials and Identity

Question 1: Understanding research methods and interpreting research data
Band 1: 1-4 marks
Band 2: 5-8 marks
Band 3: 9-12
Band 4: 13-15

Qualitative AND quantitative data interpreted showing consideration and applied to response
Qualitative AND quantitative data clearly interpreted showing consideration of the validity and applied to response
Qualitative AND quantitative data fully interpreted showing consideration of the validity, reliability, bias and clearly applied to response

Starter: Millennials Don't Exist
Use your Cornel Notes to identify the main points of the presentation, focus on

  • What research has been conducted (types, sample etc)
  • What findings have been presented
  • What are some of the flaws (bias, sample, agenda, validity and reliability)
  • What conclusions the presentation is drawing from the findings 

Some Secondary Resources 
(you will need to use 'Detective Work' to check their validity and reliability for the references - use the proformas provided)

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