Friday 1 September 2017

1.3 A2 and A3 Critical Thinking Skills - Research methods and techniques - primary, secondary, qualitative and quantitative

FSA 4.1 – Presentations A1 Specialist subject research focus

Question 1: Understanding research methods and interpreting research data
Band 1: 1-4 marks
Band 2: 5-8 marks
Band 3: 9-12
Band 4: 13-15
Basic understanding of topic

Understands significance of the topic
Comprehensive understanding of the significance of the topic
Limited connections to media theories and debates
Some relevant connection made to theories and debates
Mostly relevant connections to theories and debates
Detailed and precise connections made to theories and debates

Question 2: Understanding the relationship between own research and article
Band 1: 1-4 marks
Band 2: 5-8 marks
Band 3: 9-12
Band 4: 13-15
Basic description of primary or secondary findings
Primary & Secondary research findings described
Explains the research findings & their relationship to the context of the article
Evaluates the research findings & their relationship to the context of the article
Some links made between own research and article (no relationship)
Some links made as to the relationship between own research and article
Clear links made  as to the relationship between own  research and article
Thorough links made  as to the relationship between own  research and article

Class presentations: Learners should present their findings from the previous session. Each group should take approximately 15 minutes.

Plenary: Gather peer and tutor feedback to inform future practice.

Critical Thinking Skills feedback:

  • Relevance to address the hypothesis (does it answer the question/prove the statement)
  • Relevance and accuracy of the data (sample, sources, questions)
  • Connections of findings to theories and debates
  • Analysis and Interpretation of your results
  • Presentation of your results
  • Conclusions drawn from your results

Create Meaning
Conduct a Skills Audit from the list below. How effective are your critical thinking and research skills form this process

What improvements need to be made, where are your strengths and weaknesses?

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