Saturday 2 September 2017

L3 Media Induction

Objective: To understand the vocational purpose of the BTEC L3 Creative Digital Media course, and the importance of meeting industry expectations of building a portfolio

  • To create an Online Portfolio to house your content for progression and work experience 
  • To apply techniques and skills to produce basic Creative Digital Media content 
  • To understand the purpose and layout of an Online Portfolio
Starter: CREATIVE digital media PRODUCTION - what is your reason & purpose for choosing this vocational pathway - do you understand what it opportunities this will lead to?

1. Test: Are you CREATIVE - how successful can you expect to be on this course/have you selected correctly for your future career?

2. What is skills do you need to get a job in the creative industries? 

- In Pairs make a list of 10 associations - present your responses.

- Rank order points 1-10 in the order of importance of these skills (10 = vital, 1 = not so much)

3. In Paris audit yourself and total your points

Give an example of how you have demonstrate these skills in your life - if you cannot you need to PROVE yourself during the Induction activities so you can give an example


Homework: Street Photography

Individually take and select 5 interesting images of Street Photography that demonstrate you are aware of the following CREATIVE tools


Depth of field/focus


Set up a class WhatsApp group. In groups of 3 watch the following instructional videos and make summarise notes. 

Then post the instructions to WhatsApp and share these notes. 

You will demonstrate the results in your Homework.

Share your 5 best Street Photography images on Whatsapp

New Info: What is a Creative Digital Media Portfolio?

1. Examples of university portfolios (ex-student) (mine) (professional)

2. How to prepare your portfolio 

3. Why you will need a portfolio

4. Types - Basic Portfolio for Foundation Degree 

If you are applying for the Foundation Course (Diploma in Digital Creativity) we don't expect you to have experience in the creative technologies. For a Basic Portfolio, we'll be looking for creativity and passion for the creative arts, with more emphasis on creativity than technical execution. 

We suggest you put together 6 - 10 pieces of work that you enjoy doing, using your favourite media:
  • Photography
  • Videos
  • Logos
  • Designs,Concepts and ideas that interest you
Why is it important for you to begin creating your portfolios NOW?
Why is it important for you to show a range of Creative skills and techniques across different media?
What should the content show across your 2 years?
How should your present your work?
Why is it important to create more than just the products required by the units of the course?

Practical Workshop Station 1: Portrait Photography 

Resources - 

Watch through the videos in your teams and make notes, then in groups of 3 demonstrate what you have learned.

Practical Workshop Station 2: Design a Logo for your Portfolio


Watch through the videos in your teams and decide which your think 'says; something about you. Then demonstrate what you have learned.

Practical Workshop Station 3: Construct an Ident for your Portfolio Showreel

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