Tuesday 9 January 2018

3.3 Mini Project Conclusion & Assessment

IMP: You Must make sure you capture screen grabs images or screen capture video using Quicktime of your creating and manipulating, editing your assets for evidence. You wont be able to go back and change this later!

Think about: how are you being creative - record your decisions as vocal notes and add as an audio commentary if you wish

Topic B: Preparing, editing and/or manipulating assets p.82 - 85

B1 E-portfolio: Each learner will prepare their e-portfolio in preparation for adding their editing/ manipulation work.

B2 Editing material/asset: Each learner will undertake tasks to edit their assets.

B3 Manipulations and modification: Each learner will undertake the manipulation and modification of their assets.

B4  E-portfolio of preparation, editing and/or manipulation process: Each learner should upload their information into the e-portfolio in terms of:

o    an appropriate format
o    annotations of the edit/manipulation process
o    annotations on how the asset has changed and why
o    how the edit/manipulation has affected the asset.

Band 1
Band 2
Band 3
Band 4
Adapted material demonstrates limited understanding of the editing/manipulation process – limited evidence pf adaption/not appropriate to the brief
Adapted material demonstrates general understanding of the editing/manipulation process.
There is evidence of applying relevant editing skills
Adapted material demonstrates good understanding of the editing/manipulation process.
There is evidence of applying effective and consistent skills
Adapted material demonstrates full understanding of the editing/manipulation process.
There is evidence of applying sophisticated and creative skills
Limited annotation the manipulation or editing of assets.
Creative or design decisions identified not justified in how they are suitable to the brief

Mostly accurate annotation of the manipulation or editing of assets.
Creative or design decisions are partly justified in how they are suitable to the brief

Detailed and mostly accurate annotation of the manipulation or editing of assets.
Creative or design decisions are mostly justified in how they are suitable to the brief

Detailed and accurate annotation of the manipulation or editing of assets.
Creative or design decisions are fully justified in how they are suitable to the brief

Partially meets the requirements of the brief: changes are complete but of limited use or may not work
Some evidence of meeting the requirements of the brief, with complete and working changes
Meets the requirements of the brief, with complete and effective changes
Meets the requirements of the brief, with consistent and effective changes

Resources: Pages 84 and 85

Task 1: Annotate your digital folder evidence, completing the Log task. Use screen grabs from your process creating and manipulating process

Task 2: Complete Table of Asset Changes (p.85) - take side by side screenshot comparisons of BEFORE and AFTER


Task 3: Complete your annotated and indexed digital portfolio of your preparation, editing and/or manipulation processes. Make sure all evidence has been uploaded to your Weebly page for assessment and feedback

(Total for Activity 2 = 20 marks).

3.2 Homework: Creating assets and Index of sources

Band 1
Band 2
Band 3
Band 4

Gathered assets relate to some of the requirements of the brief, with evidence of selective decisions to meet these
Gathered assets relate consistently (ie they continue to match) the requirements of the brief, showing evidence of selective decisions AND/OR refinement to meet these.
Gathered assets relate directly (ie they match precisely) the requirements of the brief, showing a considered approach (your annotation shows you know what you are doing & why) with evidence of selective decisions AND refinement to meet these.

Created assets relate to some of the brief, showing some competence in production techniques (image capture, design logos, image resolution, composition, continuity, use of shot types and angles, sound and images, layout, making it interactive etc)
Created assets relate consistently (ie they continue to match) the requirements of the brief, showing effective use of production techniques (ie it does the job required by the brief and engages the audience)
Created assets relate directly (ie they match precisely) the requirements of the brief, showing creativity in the use of production techniques (ie it looks professional compared to real examples and shows skill in its use of video or emagazine techniques)

Index of assets & sources (where you got them from) shows understanding that they are relevant to the meeting the brief
Index of assets & sources (where you got them from) shows developed understanding of their purpose - how they work and why they are relevant to the brief
Index of assets & sources (where you got them from) shows that you fully understanding of their purpose - how they work and why they are relevant to the brief

Objectives: To understand
o    the assets required to fulfil your ideas for the brief
o    how you will create your assets
o    how you will source your assets
o    where you could source your assets
o    what considerations you need for each asset in terms of copyright, clearance etc.

Overview of Tasks for Homework & Prep Due Monday 15th January

Task 1: Read pages p.70-71, p.84-85 and p.95-96

Task 2: Read the resources on how to manage your files for your digital folders:

Task 3: (see below): Using the info above, set up your digital folders to store your assets in and start to fill in your Index (Evidence 1) using the worksheet below on your 'Unit 5: Digital Folder' weebly page

Task 4: (see below) Begin your log (Evidence 2) on the worksheet below and paste onto your 'Unit 5: Digital Folder' weebly page

Task 5: A3  Creating assets and materials (p.85) 

Use their skills to develop and/or create appropriate assets for their digital media product.

You must carefully consider the requirements of the brief, as well as copyright and clearances when preparing your assets

Task 4: A4  Index of sources 
Individual activity: Each learner will prepare a digital index that contains:

o    identification of the location of sources and assets
o    identification of the appropriateness of the materials for the intended product
o    where the materials will be used in the product.

Upload your annotations onto your Unit 5 weebly page

Task 3: A5  Storing assets
Individual activity: Each learner will ensure that they have labelled assets, stored them securely and enabled easy access.


Resources and SOW for Unit 3 and 5

Sow 2018 exam unit 3 from ctkmedia Sow 2018 exam unit 5 from ctkmedia Unit 3 cover booklet 2 exam stuff from ctkmedi...