Thursday 4 January 2018

3.2 A3 Creating assets and materials for Digital Folder and A4 Index of sources

Objective: A3 Creating assets and materials p.94, 95 and p. 82, 83

Individual activity: Each learner will use their skills to develop, create or source appropriate assets for their digital media product.

You must carefully consider the requirements of the unit content when preparing your assets. There is a requirement in the examination paper, under each choice of medium, for the inclusion of particular elements 

Band 1
Band 2
Band 3
Band 4

Gathered assets relate to some of the requirements of the brief, with evidence of selective decisions to meet these
Gathered assets relate consistently (ie they continue to match) the requirements of the brief, showing evidence of selective decisions AND/OR refinement to meet these.
Gathered assets relate directly (ie they match precisely) the requirements of the brief, showing a considered approach (your annotation shows you know what you are doing & why) with evidence of selective decisions AND refinement to meet these.

Created assets relate to some of the brief, showing some competence in production techniques (image capture, design logos, image resolution, composition, continuity, use of shot types and angles, sound and images, layout, making it interactive etc)
Created assets relate consistently (ie they continue to match) the requirements of the brief, showing effective use of production techniques (ie it does the job required by the brief and engages the audience)
Created assets relate directly (ie they match precisely) the requirements of the brief, showing creativity in the use of production techniques (ie it looks professional compared to real examples and shows skill in its use of video or emagazine techniques)

Index of assets & sources (where you got them from) shows understanding that they are relevant to the meeting the brief
Index of assets & sources (where you got them from) shows developed understanding of their purpose - how they work and why they are relevant to the brief
Index of assets & sources (where you got them from) shows that you fully understanding of their purpose - how they work and why they are relevant to the brief

As a Group (Video or e-magazine) Work through Pages 70-72 in text
Make notes

Task 1: Practical workshop to create and source assets for your production, using your production plans from last week (the assets list you will need)


Objective: A4  Index of sources
Individual activity: Each learner will prepare a digital index that contains:

o    identification of the location of sources assets
o    identification of the appropriateness of the materials for the intended product
o    where the materials will be used in the product.

Task 2: Compile your Digital Folder Portfolio with your created and sourced assets 
Set up a new page on Weebly 'Unit 5: Digital Folder' 
Create a Contents Page (which you will add to later)
Create Subfolders on your mac to store you created assets.
Save the files by their Individual Filenames to identify what it is - include and abbreviate the following:
o    Name (what it is)
o    Date created eg: 01.01.18
o    Resolution

Ensure you add meta-info or annotations as a PDF log to record permissions, ownership and terms of use of each file in the folder

Task 3: Index your sources, and write annotation of the relevance to the brief and their purpose in your production (P.70-72)

Task 4: (P.84 - 85) Screengrab your folders and files and Annotate your 'Unit 5: Digital Folder' of your sourced and created assets to record your decisions on selection (why you have chosen, strengths and weaknesses or will not include) and refinement (what needs to be improved or manipulated and why)

3.1 Homework & Prep due Thurs 11th

Prep for Monday 1 hour
Mock Examination PM2 report - Unit 5 OFCOM 2016 resit 2hours
Revise over the questions and address the feedback to improve your grade

Prep for Tuesday: 1 hour
If you are dong video Read p.49 - 52 and make summary notes on your blogs about how this APPLIES to your Identity product to present in class.

1. What techniques of composition & continuity will you use (100 words min)

2. What Mise en scene (actors, costume, props, set dressing) and why? (100 words)
3. Location or Studio shoot and why? How will you maintain continuity? (100 words?)
4. What is the 180 deg rule & rule of 3rds - demonstrate with your cameraphones and upload to blog
5. Draw a Storyboard of your idea - advert length of 30 secs, include different angles, shots, movements (you will film this on Monday in class)

If you are doing doing e-magazine read p.56-59 and make summary notes on your blogs about how this APPLIES to your Identity product to present in class.

1. Draw out a draft of your Title page and annotate your use of images, colour, graphics, logos, fonts, language and layout

2. How are you engaging the reader (100 words)
3. Draw out a draft of the features page - what will you include to meet the brief (advice, things to look out for etc?)
4. How are you engaging the reader for your features page (100 words)
5. Take 3 digital photographs for the cover and features page, where will you source your graphics or icons or additional images (100 words)
6. How will your e-magazine be interactive? see 'example of interactive product' (p.59) How will you make the pages turn? How will you incorporate video or sound? (100 words)
7. When you do you plan to test your product and what happens if it doesn't work?

Homework 2 hours

Task 1: Write up your production plan from class last week listing assets to be sourced and created.

Task 2: Write up a 100 blog post on your notes about copyright and clearances for each of your sourced assets

Task 3: Source assets appropriate for the brief and their response to the brief for Tuesday to begin to create your DIGITAL FOLDER (p.70) on Tuesday for feedback

3.1 A2 Identifying assets and required material - What are Assets?

A2  Identifying assets and required material (Trial run)
Individual activity: Each learner will source and create assets appropriate for the brief and their response to the brief.

Each learner will have selected an appropriate digital media product based on their experience in production units, their skills developed in particular areas and the resources available to them to produce an effective digital media product.

The learner will need to understand:
o    the assets required to fulfil their ideas for the brief
o    how they will create their assets
o    how they will source their assets
o    where they could source their assets

o    what considerations they need for each asset in terms of copyright, clearance etc. 

P.47& 48 Text Books

Copyright: the exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the same.
Licensing: grant a license to permit the use of something or to allow an activity to take place.

Attribution: acknowledging the author of a work. It most often requires the person’s name with the copyright symbol, and a link back to the source.

Public Domain: the state of belonging or being available to the public as a whole, and therefore not subject to copyright (be sure to check public domain status in each country.)

Task 4: Production Plan 
In Teams based on Brief (max of 3's), use Popplet to create a group mindmap and collect links/examples and a catalogue of sources.
  1. What do we mean by assets?
  2. What assets are required to fulfil your ideas for the brief - identify them?
  3. How they will create assets?
  4. How and where will your source assets?
  5. How are sourcing or creating assets impacted in terms of copyright, clearance etc.
Task 5: 
Individually complete your production plans, with investigation of copyright and clearance

‘Tutors cannot give any support to the research and preparation work’.

Resources and SOW for Unit 3 and 5

Sow 2018 exam unit 3 from ctkmedia Sow 2018 exam unit 5 from ctkmedia Unit 3 cover booklet 2 exam stuff from ctkmedi...