Thursday 4 January 2018

3.1 Homework & Prep due Thurs 11th

Prep for Monday 1 hour
Mock Examination PM2 report - Unit 5 OFCOM 2016 resit 2hours
Revise over the questions and address the feedback to improve your grade

Prep for Tuesday: 1 hour
If you are dong video Read p.49 - 52 and make summary notes on your blogs about how this APPLIES to your Identity product to present in class.

1. What techniques of composition & continuity will you use (100 words min)

2. What Mise en scene (actors, costume, props, set dressing) and why? (100 words)
3. Location or Studio shoot and why? How will you maintain continuity? (100 words?)
4. What is the 180 deg rule & rule of 3rds - demonstrate with your cameraphones and upload to blog
5. Draw a Storyboard of your idea - advert length of 30 secs, include different angles, shots, movements (you will film this on Monday in class)

If you are doing doing e-magazine read p.56-59 and make summary notes on your blogs about how this APPLIES to your Identity product to present in class.

1. Draw out a draft of your Title page and annotate your use of images, colour, graphics, logos, fonts, language and layout

2. How are you engaging the reader (100 words)
3. Draw out a draft of the features page - what will you include to meet the brief (advice, things to look out for etc?)
4. How are you engaging the reader for your features page (100 words)
5. Take 3 digital photographs for the cover and features page, where will you source your graphics or icons or additional images (100 words)
6. How will your e-magazine be interactive? see 'example of interactive product' (p.59) How will you make the pages turn? How will you incorporate video or sound? (100 words)
7. When you do you plan to test your product and what happens if it doesn't work?

Homework 2 hours

Task 1: Write up your production plan from class last week listing assets to be sourced and created.

Task 2: Write up a 100 blog post on your notes about copyright and clearances for each of your sourced assets

Task 3: Source assets appropriate for the brief and their response to the brief for Tuesday to begin to create your DIGITAL FOLDER (p.70) on Tuesday for feedback

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Resources and SOW for Unit 3 and 5

Sow 2018 exam unit 3 from ctkmedia Sow 2018 exam unit 5 from ctkmedia Unit 3 cover booklet 2 exam stuff from ctkmedi...