Thursday 4 January 2018

3.2 A3 Creating assets and materials for Digital Folder and A4 Index of sources

Objective: A3 Creating assets and materials p.94, 95 and p. 82, 83

Individual activity: Each learner will use their skills to develop, create or source appropriate assets for their digital media product.

You must carefully consider the requirements of the unit content when preparing your assets. There is a requirement in the examination paper, under each choice of medium, for the inclusion of particular elements 

Band 1
Band 2
Band 3
Band 4

Gathered assets relate to some of the requirements of the brief, with evidence of selective decisions to meet these
Gathered assets relate consistently (ie they continue to match) the requirements of the brief, showing evidence of selective decisions AND/OR refinement to meet these.
Gathered assets relate directly (ie they match precisely) the requirements of the brief, showing a considered approach (your annotation shows you know what you are doing & why) with evidence of selective decisions AND refinement to meet these.

Created assets relate to some of the brief, showing some competence in production techniques (image capture, design logos, image resolution, composition, continuity, use of shot types and angles, sound and images, layout, making it interactive etc)
Created assets relate consistently (ie they continue to match) the requirements of the brief, showing effective use of production techniques (ie it does the job required by the brief and engages the audience)
Created assets relate directly (ie they match precisely) the requirements of the brief, showing creativity in the use of production techniques (ie it looks professional compared to real examples and shows skill in its use of video or emagazine techniques)

Index of assets & sources (where you got them from) shows understanding that they are relevant to the meeting the brief
Index of assets & sources (where you got them from) shows developed understanding of their purpose - how they work and why they are relevant to the brief
Index of assets & sources (where you got them from) shows that you fully understanding of their purpose - how they work and why they are relevant to the brief

As a Group (Video or e-magazine) Work through Pages 70-72 in text
Make notes

Task 1: Practical workshop to create and source assets for your production, using your production plans from last week (the assets list you will need)


Objective: A4  Index of sources
Individual activity: Each learner will prepare a digital index that contains:

o    identification of the location of sources assets
o    identification of the appropriateness of the materials for the intended product
o    where the materials will be used in the product.

Task 2: Compile your Digital Folder Portfolio with your created and sourced assets 
Set up a new page on Weebly 'Unit 5: Digital Folder' 
Create a Contents Page (which you will add to later)
Create Subfolders on your mac to store you created assets.
Save the files by their Individual Filenames to identify what it is - include and abbreviate the following:
o    Name (what it is)
o    Date created eg: 01.01.18
o    Resolution

Ensure you add meta-info or annotations as a PDF log to record permissions, ownership and terms of use of each file in the folder

Task 3: Index your sources, and write annotation of the relevance to the brief and their purpose in your production (P.70-72)

Task 4: (P.84 - 85) Screengrab your folders and files and Annotate your 'Unit 5: Digital Folder' of your sourced and created assets to record your decisions on selection (why you have chosen, strengths and weaknesses or will not include) and refinement (what needs to be improved or manipulated and why)

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