Wednesday 30 August 2017

Critical Thinking (Detective Work) - Evaluating Sources

Question 1: Understanding research methods and interpreting research data
Band 1: 1-4 marks
Band 2: 5-8 marks
Band 3: 9-12
Band 4: 13-15

Basic Description of research methods
Understanding of data usage in the research methods used in the article
Analysis of research methods in the article
Evaluation of research methods in the article
Superficial use and consideration of qualitative OR quantitative data 
Unsupported evaluative judgements on suitability of research methods in article
Supported with evaluative judgements on suitability
Fully supported with evaluative judgements on suitability

Qualitative AND quantitative data interpreted showing consideration and applied to response
Qualitative AND quantitative data clearly interpreted showing consideration of the validity and applied to response
Qualitative AND quantitative data fully interpreted showing consideration of the validity, reliability, bias and clearly applied to response

New Information - "How to select and evaluate Secondary Sources for Information"
  • Watch the following video guides below and make notes on how to evaluate sources.
  • What do we mean by peer reviewed?
  • What is the problem with using Google and Wikipedia?
  • What is Google Scholar?
  • What is bias, validity and reliability?
Create Meaning - find 1 example of a reliable and valid source and 1 example of a unreliable (fake news, clickbait, wiki etc) source.

Apply to demonstrate 
Complete each page of the following activity

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