Monday 4 September 2017

FSA OFCOM Exam Question 1 Understanding research methods and interpreting research data

Question 1: What are the key issues raised in the article and how has qualitative and quantitative research been applied to explore them?

Question 1: Understanding research methods and interpreting research data
Band 1: 1-4 marks
Band 2: 5-8 marks
Band 3: 9-12
Band 4: 13-15
Basic understanding of topic

Understands significance of the topic
Comprehensive understanding of the significance of the topic
Limited connections to media theories and debates
Some relevant connection made to theories and debates
Mostly relevant connections to theories and debates
Detailed and precise connections made to theories and debates
Basic Description of research methods
Understanding of data usage in the research methods used in the article
Analysis of research methods in the article
Evaluation of research methods in the article
Superficial use and consideration of qualitative OR quantitative data 
Unsupported evaluative judgements on suitability of research methods in article
Supported with evaluative judgements on suitability
Fully supported with evaluative judgements on suitability

Qualitative AND quantitative data interpreted showing consideration and applied to response
Qualitative AND quantitative data clearly interpreted showing consideration of the validity and applied to response
Qualitative AND quantitative data fully interpreted showing consideration of the validity, reliability, bias and clearly applied to response

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