Thursday 26 April 2018

Secondary Research starters

Superhero Fatigue? 

Comics m vs f

Representation of female characters in superhero action films

Films m vs f

Films age

Unit 3 examination Preparatory 18 hrs (inc HW & Prep 2 hrs)

Research Conclusions - Executive Summary

Are the sources valid and reliable (BARB, BFI)


1. Superhero Fatigue - Trend of popularity continues with Marvel & DC films in 2017  - follow up on Box Office Figure for the popularity of these films (Spiderman Homecoming, Black Panther, Guardians 2, Wonderwoman) compared with those mentioned in the article. Reviews

2. Impact on production of Marvel Universe on launching the DC Universe - are these films always a bankable success (Justice League vs Avengers)

3. Trend of spectacle and CGI - what new technology is being invested in with these films? Why do people like watching them (consumption)?

4. How many superhero films are due to be released this and next 2 years?

1. Audience share is 54% M and therefore 46% F - is this consistent with the films popularity?
Why is this as popular with females? Fandom?

2. Audience is most popular with 35-54 yr olds - why? Nostalgia?
Why not as popular with younger audiences - old vs new media (ie social media more popular in general (consider OFCOM report 2017)

3. Netflix viewing figures for Daredevil - are these valid to extrapolate these from US subscription and audience share?

4. Popularity of Stan Lee's Lucky Man & The Flash (1.4m) vs audience share of BBC programmes. Is this skewing the research as to how popular they are?

1. Declining sales in US and UK of comic books. UK greater variety of genres, traditionally not uniquely associated with Superheroes only.

2. Transference to new medium - ipad subscriptions to read comics not popular. Why? 

Primary Methods: How would you investigate this to get Qualitative results?
Questionnaires Subscribers to Sky and Netflix
Interviews with Comic Book shops in Bromley/SE London?
Surveys with Fans on social media 

Secondary Methods
Reviews Guardian, BBC etc


Qualitative (last page) - Are the sources valid and reliable?
American Psychology Society? Bias?
Are these Researchers cited in the article experts in this field? is there any bias you can find?

1. Comic Codes Authority - 1960s - what is this? How does it relate to Superhero comic books then and now - genre, is this just about Superheroes? 

2. Report on Bad role models for young boys - does this fit the the story arc of Iron Man, or other Characters such a Capt America or Superman as positive, non-violent, non-exploitative of women role-models? Is using violence and weapons justified when fighting 'evil' or protecting people?
Is the use of violence and superpowers in conflict an expectation of Superhero movies?

Uses and Gratifications Theory - Personal Identity (Associative Needs), Escapism/Diversion
Hypodermic Needle Theory - these messages are accepted and all boys react the same way

3. Report on body image issues with females - Wonderwoman* (Woman Director), Black Widow, Capt Marvel, Jessica Jones* (Made by a woman writer) etc - are these women empowered or exploited as sex objects. Is their body image for verisimilitude (realism and believably) - Theories: Male Gaze vs Post-Feminism - research 'Action Chicks'

Primary Methods: How would you investigate this to get Qualitative results?
Interviews boys and girls
Interviews Comic Book shops in Bromley/SE London?

Secondary Methods
Theorists on Action Chicks and Superheroes and Gender with:
Textual Analysis of a cross section of these films to compare to the findings, using theory
Investigating who these institution and researchers are

1. Complete Sections below for Question 1 
2. Design your Research Methodology for 10 sources both Primary & Secondary, explaining What, How and Why each responds to the content of the article 

3. Carry out secondary research and Introduce to the class on Monday 1 significant finding that responds to the article's findings or supports or challenges it's conclusions 

Thursday 29 March 2018


Check your emails for instructions and to do list to prepare with deadline dates

Read over the Exam Materials and identify the Methodology they have used to collect this information

Bring your answers to the following questions:

1. How is it Qualitative?
2. How is it Quantitative?
3. What methods have they used (eg survey?)
4. Have they chosen the correct methods to measure this?
5. What are the main conclusions the article draws about:


Monday 5 March 2018

IMPORTANT - Exam requirements - 2 weeks left

1. Labelled you parent folders as follows: 

14144_your BTEC registration number_Surname_Initial

eg: 14144_RB12356_Barton.R 

2. Set up 3 folders, labelled Activity 1; Activity 2; Activity 3

Create a sub-folder called 'Annotations Evidence' under both Activity 1 and Activity 2

3. Download and save the Word proformas 'Digital Folder Index' and 'Asset Changes' that you have been emailed. 

Place 'Digital Folder Index' under Activity 1

Place 'Asset Changes' under Activity 2

During the exam, these MUST be saved at the end of each written task as a PDF

4. You cannot bring any further Assets either sourced or created into the exam once we begin the supervised exam period on the 19th March

5. You have 3 hours for Activity 1, 17 hours for Activity 2, and 10 hours for Activity 3

6. You will not have access to the internet

You will not be allowed to bring in portable hard-drives during or once the exam has started

Monday 19 February 2018

Prep work: Unit 3 assessment criteria

Band 1
Band 2
Band 3
Band 4

Gathered assets relate to some of the requirements of the brief, with evidence of selective decisions to meet these
Gathered assets relate consistently (ie they continue to match) the requirements of the brief, showing evidence of selective decisions AND/OR refinement to meet these.
Gathered assets relate directly (ie they match precisely) the requirements of the brief, showing a considered approach (your annotation shows you know what you are doing & why) with evidence of selective decisions AND refinement to meet these.

Created assets relate to some of the brief, showing some competence in production techniques (image capture, design logos, image resolution, composition, continuity, use of shot types and angles, sound and images, layout, making it interactive etc)
Created assets relate consistently (ie they continue to match) the requirements of the brief, showing effective use of production techniques (ie it does the job required by the brief and engages the audience)
Created assets relate directly (ie they match precisely) the requirements of the brief, showing creativity in the use of production techniques (ie it looks professional compared to real examples and shows skill in its use of video or emagazine techniques)

Index of assets & sources (where you got them from) shows understanding that they are relevant to the meeting the brief
Index of assets & sources (where you got them from) shows developed understanding of their purpose - how they work and why they are relevant to the brief
Index of assets & sources (where you got them from) shows that you fully understanding of their purpose - how they work and why they are relevant to the brief

Band 1
Band 2
Band 3
Band 4
Adapted material demonstrates limited understanding of the editing/manipulation process – limited evidence pf adaption/not appropriate to the brief
Adapted material demonstrates general understanding of the editing/manipulation process.
There is evidence of applying relevant editing skills
Adapted material demonstrates good understanding of the editing/manipulation process.
There is evidence of applying effective and consistent skills
Adapted material demonstrates full understanding of the editing/manipulation process.
There is evidence of applying sophisticated and creative skills
Limited annotation the manipulation or editing of assets.
Creative or design decisions identified not justified in how they are suitable to the brief

Mostly accurate annotation of the manipulation or editing of assets.
Creative or design decisions are partly justified in how they are suitable to the brief

Detailed and mostly accurate annotation of the manipulation or editing of assets.
Creative or design decisions are mostly justified in how they are suitable to the brief

Detailed and accurate annotation of the manipulation or editing of assets.
Creative or design decisions are fully justified in how they are suitable to the brief

Partially meets the requirements of the brief: changes are complete but of limited use or may not work
Some evidence of meeting the requirements of the brief, with complete and working changes
Meets the requirements of the brief, with complete and effective changes
Meets the requirements of the brief, with consistent and effective changes

Band 1
Band 2
Band 3
Band 4
Some elements of understanding of the brief and production work

Limited application of techniques used in building/creating product
General understanding of the brief and production work

Partially successful application of techniques used in building/creating product
Developed and informed understanding of the brief and production work

Mostly successful  application of techniques used in building/creating product
Full and confident understanding of the brief and production work

Successful  application of techniques used in building/creating product
Limited development of the build/creation process with major production elements left out
Development of the build/creation process with minor production elements left out
Detailed development of the build/creation process with appropriate production elements mostly in place
Detailed development of the build/creation process with appropriate production elements fully in place
The product partially meets the requirements of the brief with limited creativity
The product generally meets the requirements of the brief with some creativity
The product meets the requirements of the brief with creativity
The product fully meets the requirements of the brief with creativity throughout

How to embed videos and interactive buttons in Indesign

Tuesday 6 February 2018

3.5 Interactivity in eMagazines

Here are examples of interactivity in magazines 

Task 1: Consider how you could add: 

  1. clickable icons
  2. video that shows the subculture in context of time and place
  3. interactive images - individual items of clothing, links to where these can be purchased

Here is the example to consider

You can add gifs to animate a video sequence - these can be embedded into thinglink as well as text

This is thinglink - it allows you to annotate with interactive buttons or include additional embedded video (see example below)

Task 2: 
Now add these elements into you Draft layout of your emagazine using Indesign. 

Include actual images and pictures sourced from shutterstock.

Add in actual copy taken from existing articles/sources on your Musical Subculture

Task 3:
Create a survey and send the link to your draft to your target audience (16-21 year olds). Design 10 questions on the INTERACTIVITY and DESIGN layout to collect feedback on your work

Resources and SOW for Unit 3 and 5

Sow 2018 exam unit 3 from ctkmedia Sow 2018 exam unit 5 from ctkmedia Unit 3 cover booklet 2 exam stuff from ctkmedi...