Thursday 2 November 2017

2.2 Presentations B3 Referencing and format of findings

Question 2: Understanding the relationship between own research and article
Band 1: 1-4 marks
Band 2: 5-8 marks
Band 3: 9-12
Band 4: 13-15
Basic description of primary or secondary findings
Primary & Secondary research findings described
Explains the research findings & their relationship to the context of the article
Evaluates the research findings & their relationship to the context of the article
Some links made between own research and article (no relationship)
Some links made as to the relationship between own research and article
Clear links made  as to the relationship between own  research and article
Thorough links made  as to the relationship between own  research and article
Superficial comments about how research supports  conclusions in the article
Relevant comments how research supports article’s conclusions
Explains the article’s conclusions with detailed comment on the extent this is supported by the research
Evaluates the article’s conclusions with justification of the extent this is supported by the research

B3 Referencing and format of findings

Tutor presentation: Show learners how to reference and format their findings.
Paired activity: Learners should be given activities to enable them to practise producing graphs, charts, tables, quotations and transcripts.

Look at each others Research Findings and examine how the graphs and tables have been produced.

Task 1: Which are the most suitable to demonstrate:

  • Changes over time?
  • Differences in gender?
  • Parental attitudes to media?
  • Childrens concerns to online media?

Complete a Transcript of an interview or focus group relevant to these concerns on youtube to obtain quotations

Individual activity: Learners should practise referencing sources using a range of techniques, including cross-referencing with other sources

Task 1: 
Compile your findings from your Research and draw out a list of findings (H/W?)
Organise these into a Hieracrchy (H/W?)
make connections between your findings using Poppet
Colour code your difference sources to demonstrate links 
Where are there inconsistencies

B3 Referencing and format of findings

Individual activity: Learners should use their findings to support judgements by outlining arguments, showing logical progression and summarising to draw conclusions.

Task 2: 
Use your executive summary and draw a flowchart using Popplet as to how your findings support or outline arguments. 
What theory needs to be investigated to further the debate?
What conclusions can you draw to these points in the summary?

B4 Catalogue of sources

Tutor introduction: Explain how to compile a catalogue of primary and secondary research.

Group activity: Learners should investigate and analyse a range of existing research catalogues, noting their strengths and weaknesses.

Task: As a group of 4, evaluate each others portfolios - by annotating the strengths in BLUE and the weaknesses in RED

Group presentation: Learners should present their findings to the class.

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