Thursday 25 January 2018

3.4 Homework & Prep

Prep: (for Monday)
Task 1: Read over P. 90 and 91

Task 2: Annotate the brief, pay particular attention to the requirements listed such as duration and interactivity. Create a mind map of requirements (RED) problems (YELLOW) and solutions (GREEN) based on your chosen brief

Task 1: Complete and prepare to deliver your presentations on Monday and decide on which Musical Genre and Subculture you are working on. Make sure your links, videos and files work!

Task 2: Read P. 92 

Task 3: For Tuesday Create a Mind Map like on P.92 of the content of your product in response to the brief (eg, artists performance in a historic venue, interviews with subculture, excerpts from Music Videos, stock footage from documentaries, presenter explaining what a subculture is, montage of the clothing identified, soundtrack needed, sound effects, animated logos or interactive images etc...)

Task 4: For Wednesday Using your Prep work Task 2, find video or image assets as examples of the style of layout or filming content you would like to include to engage your 16-21 year old audience.

Task 5: Create a Mood Board or a Crash Trailer using existing images and footage to get across your idea in your Pitch (Tues/Weds) 

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