Tuesday 12 December 2017

2.7 Homework and Prep for Christmas

Prep: 2 hours 

Read over the booklet for Unit 3. Record down the date of the exam and the pre-release material.

Read over the rules and guidelines and sign the booklet to say you have done so.

Carry out a skills audit and prepare your visual presentation* using examples and evidence from your portfolio to justify why you are selecting either Video, DTP & Photography or Audio Production.

Read over the brief on Identity and annotate.

Select the brief that will best fit your skills for most success and develop 1 initial idea to be included in your presentation*

Homework: 5 hours
Examine the feedback from your first exam essays from your homework. Address the improvements in RED by editing these essays and including these answers in them in them correct places.

Using the assessment criteria for the exam (below), action plan and colour code where your evidence and the points they support to be able to make these improvements on your 4 sides of notes.

Practice your timed updated 5 answers for the mock exam week 1 when we return after the break. It will be on the 2016 report again, this time under supervised exam conditions. 

Q1 - Quan/Qual - 30mins
Q2 - Prim/Second - 30mins
Q3 - Production - 30mins
Q4 - Consumption - 15mins
Q5 - Recommendations 15mins

Thursday 7 December 2017

2.6 Mock Exam Preparation 4 hours (For Monday 11th December)

Section 1 (1.5 hours)

Task 1: Read over page 133 - 136 and compare your responses from Homework to the example response sections in Pink, and the yellow comments.

Task 2: Using the Pink examples responses, identify findings in both your research and the 2016 OFCOM report that focus on Q3 and Q4:

  • Issues and debates (concerns surrounding the impact on content or effects on audience) around production & consumption
  • Impacts on production and consumption
  • Trends and predictions for the future

Some things we identified in class & for you to consider some in your responses to Q3 and 4 (based on Youtube/TV/Video):


  • What is popular on social media get made - saturated with the same thing, lacks diversity or quality. 
  • Who and what is popular on Netflix, youtube, apps etc? 
  • What is the appeal of social media over older forms, and why is this different between Tweens/Teens and Children? (Uses and Gratifications)
  • Proliferation, everyone has a mobile or ipad so anyone can produce own media for social media sites.
  • Regulation - are 'voluntary codes' effective in protecting children from obscene, inappropriate or radicalising content? Relies on users to report age -appropriate content. What about comments section though?


  • Does social media make us desensitised to violence or offensive comments?  Does it have an impact on how we see the world (Cultivation Theory)
  • OR Does social media and clickbait make children develop more critical thinking so they can self regulate/make informed decisions themselves?
  • Parental attitudes to social media vs older, more heavily regulated media like TV and games.
  • Ethical/Legal - copyright infringement or fair use? Desensitised to having to pay for subscriptions or viewings.

Task 3: Mind Map these out as per the 'now try this section' at the bottom of the page to find the evidence to some of this up.

Task 4: Collect more evidence/secondary research if necessary 

Section 2: (2.5 hours)

Task 5: Make corrections and improvement to your feedback essays, by editing in the responses to the questions and guidance in RED within the correct places in your original essay.  

Task 6: Update your 4 x sides of A4 with your hypothesis, hierarchy of findings, executive summary of the 2016 Report and bullet point outline of the relevant findings stats and quotes (at least 12) your 6 research methods. Make sure you include the references for your sources.

Wednesday 6 December 2017

3.1 Unit 3: Digital Media Skills Mini Project - Your Identity

A1 Understanding the brief (Trail Run)

Tutor-led introduction: An overview of the unit in terms of the topics to be covered and the requirements for the external examination.


  • select an appropriate digital media product based on experience in production units, skills developed and resources available to produce an effective digital media product
  • understand how you will create and source your assets and considerations needed in terms of copyright, clearance etc.
  • practice the skills required to undertake the external examination through the Mini Project (2 weeks).
Individual activity: 
Select a media product based on your prior experience in the production units of this course. 

You will need to make an informed decision as to what area would be the best for you to choose to match the skills that you have built so far. 


Your identity and personal information are valuable. Criminals can find
out your personal details and use them to open bank accounts and to get
credit cards, loans, state benefits and documents such as passports and
driving licences in your name. Criminals commit identity theft by stealing
personal information. This is often done by asking someone to open an
email requesting personal details. Often these emails look like they come
from a trusted source, but the source itself may be part of a scam. Personal
details may also be obtained by criminals who access social networking and
communication sites, and once again this can lead to identity theft. Anyone
can be affected by identity theft. This kind of fraud can seriously affect your
personal financial circumstances, as well as costing the government and
financial services millions of pounds every year. If your identity is stolen,
you or your family may have difficulty getting bank accounts, student loans,
credit cards or a mortgage until the matter is resolved.

A campaign has been launched by Your-Identity, a government agency that
will help young people to appreciate the growing problem of identity theft.
Providing information about identity theft through social networking sites
will alert young people to this growing problem. Your-Identity wants you
to make a media product that will alert young people to the problem of
identity theft. Your media product can be in any style or genre.

You must choose which medium you will use to create your media
product and begin creating, sourcing and preparing the materials you
will need in preparation for the supervised assessment period.

You may choose ONE brief from the following:

Brief 1: Video promotional product
Your-Identity wants you to produce a video advertisement that will
inform your chosen target audience of young people about the dangers
of identity theft. The product must be no longer than 1 minute. Your-
Identity is happy for the video advertisement to be produced in whatever
style you think would be suitable for the target audience.

You will need to include in your video advertisement:

  • own camerawork to include tracking and panning techniques
  • a minimum of two scenes containing three camera ‘set-ups’ per
  • scene
  • background music
  • continuity editing techniques: shot-reverse shot, 180 degree rule,
  • one transition other than a cut
  • sound effects.

Brief 2: Audio promotional product
Your-Identity wants you to produce a radio advertisement that will inform
your chosen target audience of young people about the dangers of
identity theft. The radio advertisement must be no longer than 1 minute.
Your-Identity is happy for your audio product to be produced in whatever
style you think would be suitable for the target audience.

You will need to include in your radio advertisement:

  • own recorded material including at least one interior and one
  • exterior recording
  • sound effects
  • voiceover
  • music
  • editing techniques: mixed music and fades with no dead air.

Brief 4: Digital e-magazine
Your-Identity wants you to produce a digital e-magazine that will inform
your chosen target audience of young people about the dangers of
identity theft. The product must be no more than a cover and a two page
spread. Your-Identity is happy for your digital e-magazine to be produced
in whatever style you think would be suitable for the target audience.

You will need to include in your digital e-magazine: 

  • own images (at least two images)
  • titles for a cover and feature article
  • copy for articles
  • integrated text and image layout
  • ability to scroll and turn pages.

Task 1: Using your portfolio content, carry out a skills audit by reflecting on their strengths and weaknesses. Present this to the class with examples from your portfolio
  1. a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis
  2. reflecting on which production units they have enjoyed most
  3. reflecting on marks and feedback from activities carried out in other production units
  4. a consideration of the media products that you are most familiar with
  5. a consideration of the area of the media industry in which you might wish to seek employment.
Task 2: Mini Project - Identity
As a class:
Brainstorm and mindmap creative ways of interpreting the concept of identity and identity theft on social media and ways young people are exposed on line.


Take part in a discussion on the consequences, or associations with identity theft 

2.1 Highlight key points in the brief and annotate your initial thoughts/comments in relation to purpose, audience, style or genre

2.2 Find existing at least 3 examples of related campaigns aimed at this audience for government PSAs or charities, or any other projects related to the concept of identity


2.3 Evaluate the approach, style and effectiveness, and note down any ideas or influences you could use.

2.4 Brainstorm 3 ideas surrounding the concept of identity as a Individual response to the brief

2.5 Select your best idea (it must be unique!). Rough draft of e-magazine, video storyboard, mood board, radio script 

A2 Identifying assets and required material (Trial run)
Understand how you should identify the assets required for a media product.



Copyright: the exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the same.
Licensing: grant a license to permit the use of something or to allow an activity to take place.

Attribution: acknowledging the author of a work. It most often requires the person’s name with the copyright symbol, and a link back to the source.

Public Domain: the state of belonging or being available to the public as a whole, and therefore not subject to copyright (be sure to check public domain status in each country.)

Task 4: Production Plan 
In Teams based on Brief (max of 3's), use Popplet to create a group mindmap and collect links/examples and a catalogue of sources.
  1. What do we mean by assets?
  2. What assets are required to fulfil your ideas for the brief - identify them?
  3. How they will create assets?
  4. How and where will your source assets?
  5. How are sourcing or creating assets impacted in terms of copyright, clearance etc.
Task 5: 
Individually complete your production plans, with investigation of copyright and clearance

‘Tutors cannot give any support to the research and preparation work’.


Tuesday 5 December 2017

Question 3: Merit grade answers & feedback

Band 1: 1-4 marks
Band 2: 5-8 marks
Band 3: 9-12
Band 4: 13-15
Minimal consideration of the information in the article, with pointless reference made to own research sources
Partial/incomplete understanding and following of the topic, considering the information in the article, with some purpose in references made to own research sources
The topic has been understood and interpreted, considering the validity of information in the article, with detailed references made to own research sources
The topic has been fully understood and interpreted, considering the validity of information in detail, with references made to own research sources that support response with specific examples
Minimal connections made to media debates occasionally related to the topic of the article
Few connections made to media debates relevant to the topic of the article
Consistent connections made to media debates relevant to the topic of the article
Detailed and precise connections made to media debates directly relevant to the topic of the article
Basic understanding of outcomes of research
Some understanding of the significance of the outcomes of research
Sound understanding of the significance of the outcomes of research
Full understanding of the significance of the outcomes of research
Limited chains of reasoning
Some imbalance in chains of reasoning
Clear chains of reasoning
Effective and logical chains of reasoning




Monday 4 December 2017

Distinction & Merit Question 2 exemplars with feedback

Question 2: Understanding the relationship between own research and article
Band 1: 1-4 marks
Band 2: 5-8 marks
Band 3: 9-12
Band 4: 13-15
Basic description of primary or secondary findings
Primary & Secondary research findings described
Explains the research findings & their relationship to the context of the article
Evaluates the research findings & their relationship to the context of the article
Some links made between own research and article (no relationship)
Some links made as to the relationship between own research and article
Clear links made  as to the relationship between own  research and article
Thorough links made  as to the relationship between own  research and article
Superficial comments about how research supports  conclusions in the article
Relevant comments how research supports article’s conclusions
Explains the article’s conclusions with detailed comment on the extent this is supported by the research
Evaluates the article’s conclusions with justification of the extent this is supported by the research

Distinction examples



High Merit examples



Thursday 23 November 2017

2.4 Prep Work (Due 4th Dec) Mock Exam

In class next Monday:
Using 2016 OFCOM report to draw informed opinions from research materials produced by others.

1. Write a HYPOTHESIS for your research focus on the developments and changes in audience, genre or technology, and the current impact of these issues on consumption and production of media.

At least 1 Debate in the media and 1 theory applied relevant to the report

2. Conduct your final research for the 2 hour assessment, address any flaws in your research from the feedback from the presentations. 
Update your secondary to replace the 2016 OFCOM report 
Reference and annotate these additional sources.

3. You should produce a Research Catalogues - you will be reducing your notes to 4 sides of A4 

2.5 PART A ASSESSMENT - Preparation for Mock Exam (11th December)

D1–D3 Preparation for external assessment –drawing conclusions

Individual activity: Learners should prepare for receipt of pre-release materials by:

outlining key findings/arguments and collecting evidence for the process linking to initial focus/hypothesis/predictions and comparing findings.

Produce a Mind Map in Popplet to create your executive summary

Drawing conclusions Individual activity: 
In preparation for the receipt of the pre-release materials learners should gain practice of:

using primary and secondary research findings to support conclusions

making recommendations about future practice or research activities.


D1–D3 Pre released SAM (mock) specialist subject stimulus material – research into contemporary creative media topics and debates

Learners should use pre-release materials to conduct research for the external assessment.
You should: 

Conduct primary and secondary research (P.128-129)
Collect and collate data.(P.130 - 131)
Reference and annotate sources
Produce research catalogues (P.132)

In class next week you will interpret and evaluate your Research Findings (P.133-134) to produce 4 sides of A4 handwritten notes to sit the pre-mock exam

Tuesday 14 November 2017

2.3 Prep work 3 hours

Reading: Learners should prepare for receipt of pre-release materials 2016 OFCOM report by creating mind maps and lists on blog for the following:

Section 1: Outline & Analysis
  1. Outline (describe) the key findings/arguments in a mind map
  2. On the Mind map, spur off from each finding/argument the evidence for this
  3. Create a Venn Diagram and annotate to explain how the conclusions and findings relate to Audience, Technology and Genre
  4. List the debates that are contained within the findings and which theories be applied (audience, technology, genre)
  5. Explain how these conclusiosn have developed since the 2014 report, liking to the initial focus/hypothesis/predictions 
  6. Comparing the findings as a 2 column comparative list

Section 2: Conclusion
  1. Summarise the issues raised through 2016 OFCOM report
  2. Make suggestions for how to conduct primary and secondary research (which methods?)
  3. Explain HOW primary and secondary methodology can be used to support or contradict findings in the report
  4. Discuss how to contextualise (this means factors to do with time and place and factors that influence ie Millenials, technology, consumption patterns and attitude to children's consumption) potential findings for the specific creative media sector being studied

In class next Monday:
Learners should use 2016 OFCOM report to draw informed opinions from research materials produced by others.

Prepare to lead a group discussion on the impact of the issues and debates outlined within the stimulus.

Learners should discuss developments and changes in audience, genre or technology and the current effects of these issues on consumption and production of media.

At least 1 Debate in the media and 1 theory applied relevant to the report

Resources and SOW for Unit 3 and 5

Sow 2018 exam unit 3 from ctkmedia Sow 2018 exam unit 5 from ctkmedia Unit 3 cover booklet 2 exam stuff from ctkmedi...