Thursday 7 December 2017

2.6 Mock Exam Preparation 4 hours (For Monday 11th December)

Section 1 (1.5 hours)

Task 1: Read over page 133 - 136 and compare your responses from Homework to the example response sections in Pink, and the yellow comments.

Task 2: Using the Pink examples responses, identify findings in both your research and the 2016 OFCOM report that focus on Q3 and Q4:

  • Issues and debates (concerns surrounding the impact on content or effects on audience) around production & consumption
  • Impacts on production and consumption
  • Trends and predictions for the future

Some things we identified in class & for you to consider some in your responses to Q3 and 4 (based on Youtube/TV/Video):


  • What is popular on social media get made - saturated with the same thing, lacks diversity or quality. 
  • Who and what is popular on Netflix, youtube, apps etc? 
  • What is the appeal of social media over older forms, and why is this different between Tweens/Teens and Children? (Uses and Gratifications)
  • Proliferation, everyone has a mobile or ipad so anyone can produce own media for social media sites.
  • Regulation - are 'voluntary codes' effective in protecting children from obscene, inappropriate or radicalising content? Relies on users to report age -appropriate content. What about comments section though?


  • Does social media make us desensitised to violence or offensive comments?  Does it have an impact on how we see the world (Cultivation Theory)
  • OR Does social media and clickbait make children develop more critical thinking so they can self regulate/make informed decisions themselves?
  • Parental attitudes to social media vs older, more heavily regulated media like TV and games.
  • Ethical/Legal - copyright infringement or fair use? Desensitised to having to pay for subscriptions or viewings.

Task 3: Mind Map these out as per the 'now try this section' at the bottom of the page to find the evidence to some of this up.

Task 4: Collect more evidence/secondary research if necessary 

Section 2: (2.5 hours)

Task 5: Make corrections and improvement to your feedback essays, by editing in the responses to the questions and guidance in RED within the correct places in your original essay.  

Task 6: Update your 4 x sides of A4 with your hypothesis, hierarchy of findings, executive summary of the 2016 Report and bullet point outline of the relevant findings stats and quotes (at least 12) your 6 research methods. Make sure you include the references for your sources.

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